requirements.txt | Official dependency tracker file | Cargo.toml | | Official installator / distributor file | Cargo.toml |
PyPI | Library repository | |
pip | Library installation | Cargo |
setuptools and poetry | Library distribution | Cargo |
pbr | Library distribution | Cargo |
pipenv and poetry | Dependency manager | Cargo |
twine | Package uploader | Cargo and Semantic |
venv * | Isolated environments | Cargo |
pyinstaller | Generate standalone executables | Cargo |
pyenv | Install and manage versions of language | rustup |
pydoc and sphinx | Generate documentation from code | rustdoc and Cargo |
python | Interpreter / Compiler | rustc and Cargo |
ipython | REPL | iRust |
ipdb | Debugger | rust-gdb |
Extending Python with C or C++ | Foreign language interface | PyO3 |