urllib * | HTTP calls | hyper |
requests | Simplified HTTP calls | reqwest |
json | JSON parsing loading and dumping | serde |
pyYAML | YAML parsing loading and dumping | serde |
lxml | XML parsing loading and dumping | RustyXML |
csv * | CSV parsing | rust-csv |
datetime * & Dateutils | Date & time | Chrono |
click and argparse | CLI Framework | clap |
docopt | CLI Framework | docopt |
re * | Regular Expressions | regex |
subprocess * | Run external commands | subprocess |
multiprocessing * | Multiprocessing | Rayon |
logging * | Logging | log |
Pathlib * | Path manipulation | fs and fs_extra |
cryptography | Crytography | crypto |
pickle * | Object serialization | RON |
heapq * | Heap queue | BinaryHeap * |
bottle | Minimal web framework | Iron |
flask | Web framework | Rocket |
django | Full stack web framework | DO NOT EXIST YET |
SQL Alchemy | Relational database ORM | Diesel |
Pymongo | MongoDB driver | mongodb |
Jinja 2 | Template engine | Tera |
pygtk | GTk desktop development | gtk |
pyside | QT desktop development | rust-qt |
pygame | 2D UI library / gaming | ggez & Conrod & Piston |
unitest2 | Test framework | Builtin |
nose | Test runner | Cargo |
pytest | Testing framework and runner | Polish |
Flake8 | Linter | Clippy |
autopep8 and black | Auto formatter | rustfmt |
twisted | Network application framework | libpnet |
AsyncIO * | Async application framework | Tokio and futures |
Pillow | Image manipulation | Image |
Beautiful Soup | HTML parser | html5ever |
Hypothesis | Data driven test framework | Quickcheck and proptest |
mock | Test mocking | Mockers |
bioPython | Bioinformathics libraries | Rust Bio |
Dynaconf | Config management | Config |
itertools * | Data structure iteration | Rust Itertools |
Geopython | Geo spatial data | Geo Rust |
ScikitLearn | Machine learning | rusty-machine |
mistune | Markdown / Common Mark Parser | cmark |
celery | Distributed computation | Antimony |
boto | AWS clients | rusoto |
AstroPy | Astronomy | astro-rust |
Numpy | Numeric | Numeric |
Pandas | Dataframes | Polars |