
  • The language is named Rust because "rust is as close to the bare metal as you can get".,
    in metal theory rust is the chemical layer closest to bare metal.
    (also Wikipedia says that the name was possibly inspired by the name of a Fungi)
  • The Rust trifecta is 1) Memory Safe, 2) Fast 3) Concurrent
  • Rust can be used for web development
  • Rust can be used for Gaming Development
  • Rust can be used for Machine Learning
  • Lots of IDEs and Editors supports Rust (VSCode is known to have the better support by now)
  • Rust packages are called Crates and are installed by Cargo explore them at http://crates.io
  • In Rust there is no Class but Structs, Enums, Traits, functions and macros!
  • Rust compiler was first written in OCaml then rewritten in Rust! (Rust is written in Rust!!!)
  • Rust type system is strongly inspired by Haskell
  • Rust functional style is inspired by Erlang
  • Rust type inference is mainly inspired by ML and also by Haskell
  • The main syntax style is inspired by C and C++
  • There is no automated Garbage Collector so Rust frees memory based on Resource Aquisition RAII (a.k.a Ownership)
  • Rust has Generic Types!!!
  • As Rust is close to bare metal you can ship a program without the inclusion of Rust's runtime which makes easy to distribute programs (no need of dependencies and virtuelenvs management)
  • Graydon Hoare (creator of Rust) is now working at Apple developing the Swift language
  • Rust is the developers most loved language according to Stack Overflow Survey
  • Rust is the most energy efficient language! and that is very important for environment, data center companies and maybe it can help saving your laptop and phone battery in near future.
  • There is an Operating System written in Rust - Redox
  • Mozilla released the fastest version of Firefox (quantum) having many parts written on Rust
  • The Rust mascot (unofficial) is called Ferris and it is a crab (There is no record of the official reason about being a crab, the reasonable history is that it was inspired by the Rusty Crab a common species of crab and also a name of a famous restaurant.)
  • To compliment your fellow Rustaceans don't say cheers!. Say safe! (safe! is also said when toasting with champagne at Rust conferences)
  • Rust is to become a second programming language for the Linux kernel (see here)
  • Rust is the language choosen by Microsoft to rewrite parts of Windows Kernel

More facts? and curiosities send a question here or send a Pull Request adding an interest fact to this list.
