Marmite CLI is designed to be always executed pointing to an input_folder where the markdown content is located, and besides generating the site it comes with other useful features. The basic usage is very simple: $ marmite input_folder Site generate ... read more →
Getting started
☆Learn how to create your blog with Marmite in minutes, you can start with zero-config and then customize gradually later. Not convinced yet? Read why-to-use-marmite Quick Start Installation Marmite is written in Rust 🦀 so if you have Rust in your sy ... read more →
Marmite is a simple, easy and opinionated static site generator. Marmite doesn't require specific folder structure or complex configuration, the goal is that a blog can be generated simply by running Marmite on a folder with Markdown and media files ... read more →
Marmite uses Tera as its template parser, the language is very similar to Jinja or Twig. [!IMPORTANT] always link relative to the current path starting with ./ If absolute url is needed then use {{ url_for(path="path", abs=true) }} templat ... read more →
Listing Page The following fragments allow markdown and HTML and are rendered by Tera so it is possible to use template expressions. The global context is available for templating. The listi ... read more →