The content on Marmite accepts any valid CommonMark or Github Flavoured markdown and some GFM extensions. read more →
Marmite genetates a static site, so you can host it in any web server. Examples: Github pages Gitlab pages Netlify Vercel Nginx Apache Github Pages This is the easiest and cheapest option to publish your static blog, you need a Github Repository co ... read more →
Marmite as a static site generator, doesn't have commenting features, but there are various options of external commenting systems to integrate. Utterances Use github issues as comment system Requires user to login to github Giscus Use Github dis ... read more →
Yes! we have pagination! Set pagination: 10 on your marmite.yaml The pagination template is very simple <div class="pagination"> <nav> <ul> {% if previous_page %} <li><a href=" ... read more →