I'm a big user of other SSGs but it is frequently frustrating that it takes so much setup to get started.
Just having a directory of markdown files and running a single command sounds really useful.
— Michael, marmite user.
Getting started
☆Learn how to create your blog with Marmite in minutes, you can start with zero-config and then customize gradually later. Not convinced yet? Read why-to-use-marmite Quick Start Installation Marmite is written in Rust 🦀 so if you have Rust in your sy ... read more →
Marmite CLI is designed to be always executed pointing to an input_folder where the markdown content is located, and besides generating the site it comes with other useful features. The basic usage is very simple: $ marmite input_folder Site generate ... read more →
Marmite is a simple, easy and opinionated static site generator. Marmite doesn't require specific folder structure or complex configuration, the goal is that a blog can be generated simply by running Marmite on a folder with Markdown and media files ... read more →
Marmite separates content in two kinds, posts and pages. An opinionated decision of marmite is how it makes the distinction. Posts If content has a date it is a Post! Instead of having to mark if a content is a page via metadata, Marmite takes the si ... read more →
Marmite uses Tera as its template parser, the language is very similar to Jinja or Twig. [!IMPORTANT] always link relative to the current path starting with ./ If absolute url is needed then use {{ url_for(path="path", abs=true) }} templat ... read more →