Libraries and Frameworks

urllib *HTTP callshyper
requestsSimplified HTTP callsreqwest
jsonJSON parsing loading and dumpingserde
pyYAMLYAML parsing loading and dumpingserde
lxmlXML parsing loading and dumpingRustyXML
csv *CSV parsingrust-csv
datetime * & DateutilsDate & timeChrono
click and argparseCLI Frameworkclap
docoptCLI Frameworkdocopt
re *Regular Expressionsregex
subprocess *Run external commandssubprocess
multiprocessing *MultiprocessingRayon
logging *Logginglog
Pathlib *Path manipulationfs and fs_extra
pickle *Object serializationRON
heapq *Heap queueBinaryHeap *
bottleMinimal web frameworkIron
flaskWeb frameworkRocket
djangoFull stack web frameworkDO NOT EXIST YET
SQL AlchemyRelational database ORMDiesel
PymongoMongoDB drivermongodb
Jinja 2Template engineTera
pygtkGTk desktop developmentgtk
pysideQT desktop developmentrust-qt
pygame2D UI library / gamingggez & Conrod & Piston
unitest2Test frameworkBuiltin
noseTest runnerCargo
pytestTesting framework and runnerPolish
autopep8 and blackAuto formatterrustfmt
twistedNetwork application frameworklibpnet
AsyncIO *Async application frameworkTokio and futures
PillowImage manipulationImage
Beautiful SoupHTML parserhtml5ever
HypothesisData driven test frameworkQuickcheck and proptest
mockTest mockingMockers
bioPythonBioinformathics librariesRust Bio
DynaconfConfig managementConfig
itertools *Data structure iterationRust Itertools
GeopythonGeo spatial dataGeo Rust
ScikitLearnMachine learningrusty-machine
mistuneMarkdown / Common Mark Parsercmark
celeryDistributed computationAntimony
botoAWS clientsrusoto