

[Markdown Makes sites] is a very! simple static site generator.

How it works

It does "one" simple thing only:

  • Reads all .md files on the input directory.
  • Using CommonMark parse it to HTML content.
  • Extract optional metadata from frontmatter or filename.
  • Generated html file for each page (templates are customizable).
  • Outputs the rendered static site to the output folder.

It also handles generating or copying static/ media/ to the output dir.

AGPL License Version



Install with cargo

cargo install marmite

Or download the pre-built binary from the releases


~It's simple, really!

$ marmite folder_with_markdown_files path_to_generated_site
Site generated at path_to_generated_site/


❯ marmite --help
MARkdown Makes sITEs is a very simple static site generator, mainly for simple blogs.


  <INPUT_FOLDER>   Input folder containing markdown files
  <OUTPUT_FOLDER>  Output folder to generate the site

      --serve            Serve the site with a built-in HTTP server
      --bind <BIND>      [default: localhost:8000]
      --config <CONFIG>  Path to custom configuration file (defaults to marmite.yaml) [default: marmite.yaml]
      --debug            Print debug messages
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

Build a site from markdown content

Put some markdown in a folder.


Or use your favorite markdown editor to edit.

Then, build:

$ marmite myblog site

building index.html
building pages.html
building tags.html
building archive.html
building feed.rss
building feed.json
building 404.html

building my-page.html
building my-first-post.html
building another-post.html

Site generated at: site/


Site is generated from embedded templates that are purposely very simple!

  • Front page lists all blog posts (markdown containing date attribute)
  • Menu is shown with links to pages, tags, archive (menu is customizable)
  • Feeds are generated as RSS and JSON formats
  • Content pages are generated from every .md file

Deploy site/ folder to your favorite webserver.

Open index.html on your web-browser or run marmite myblog site --serve to run the embedded webserver.



The following screenshots are using the default embedded templates (from /example folder)

Light Mode


Index Light


Post Light

Dark mode


Index Dark


Post Dark


Marmite allows customization of the website using custom templates that are written using Tera template language (similar to Jinja and Twig).

Site metadata can be customized on marmite.yaml.

Folder structure

├── marmite.yaml        # Site configuration
├── content
│   └── *.md            # Site content
├── static
│   └── *.css|js|ttf    # Static files (CSS, JS, Fonts)
└── templates
    ├── base.html       # Common HTML
    ├── content.html    # Renders page and post
    ├── group.html      # Archive and tags list
    └── list.html       # Renders index, tags, archive

Optional configuration

the marmite.yaml is optional, you simply omit and use defaults.

All keys are optional, but you probably want to set at least name,tagline, url


name: My Blog
tagline: This blog is awesome
# footer: This is an example site generated with Marmite
# pagination: 10

# list_title: Blog Posts
# tags_title: Tags
# archive_title: Archive

# templates_path: templates
# static_path: static
# media_path: media

# menu:
#  - ["Title", "link.html"]
# data: Custom key:pair values to be exposed to template context.

Content types

  • Post: If .md has a date property on filename prefix or frontmatter it is considered a post to show in the index.html posts list.
  • Page: If it does not have a date it is considered a page, listed on pages.html and acessible via direct link.


FrontMatter can optionally be specified in yaml format.

date: "2024-01-01"
title: Title
slug: title
tags: comma,separated,tags
  - yaml
  - list
  - also
  - works
# Title of my content

Content Text ...
  • date: If informed, the content is considered a Post and shows in index list.
    • Date formats supported are %Y-%m-%d and %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
    • Date can be defined as date on frontmatter or in the filename
  • title: If not defined, the first line of the markdown content is used.
  • slug: If not defined, the title or filename is used to build the url.
  • tags: Optional list or comma separated string of tags.

All fields are optional, if nothing is declared then the content is considered an unlisted Page.

Example content


date: "2024-01-01"
title: My First Blog Post
slug: my-first-blog-post
tags: poetry,life

# Hello this is my first post

This blog was generated by `Marmite` the simplest static site generator

## Images

![local image](/media/simple.png)

I can also have remote images

![remote image](

## Code Snippets

de foo():
    return "bar"

Everything CommonMark and Github flavoured markdown supports.

</strong>Raw HTML also allowed</strong>

editors and deployment

Marmite does not come with an editor but as the content is simply markdown files, any text editor will work!

Generated site is pure HTML + CSS so it can be served on any static webserver.

Workflow is generally:

  • Create a new content/
  • Edit in your preferred editor (There are some with good preview support).
  • Add the date metadata when it is ready to publish.
  • commit to your preferred repository.
  • use your preferred automation system to publish it to your preferred web server.

Common examples:

  • Edit in Marktext Editor, configure it to move pasted images to media, commit to Github, Add an action to build and Publish as a Github Page.
  • Edit directly in the Github Web UI, commit, let CI Action to build and publish.
  • Edit in vim, Generate the site locally, Publish via FTP.
  • Edit in VsCode, Commit to Git Repository, Have the CI to build and Publish (GH pages, netlify etc)

Marmite focus on generating the site from markdown only, the deployment and media management is a separate problem to solve.

That's all!

Marmite is very simple, and limited in functionality, there is no intention to add more features or built-in themes.

If this simplicity does not suit your needs, there are other awesome static site generators.

Here are some that I recommend: